No taunting the 1st level magic user with "Mighty bold talk for a guy with only 4HP."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Games and Gaming 4: Steam and Strategy Prolog

Ok, The ultimate goal of the "Steam and Strategy" is a place for me to update the status of my progress in the translation of Goodman Games Dragonmech Setting from it's d2o 3.x roots to 4E compatible. Something i really started on some months ago, but have recently decided that I would as my new years resolution complete the project by the end of 2009, a bit late but for a pet project, not bad.

So We'll go with some set up for now. Things that need a change and update.

Setting history and background for the setting.
Steam Powers.
Factions and faction specific all of the above.

Ok, easy stuff first, spells are now powers, so no problem there.
Mechs, pretty easily covered by the new vehicle rules.
Weapons, easily integrated a few new classes of weapon: guns, bladed things with tiny bits of metal moving at rocket speeds around them, flamethrower, lightning generator.

Those last two are steam powers, and pretty basic things for Coglayers who used them as what amounted to basically their only power if taken to extremes. So What I've thought is to make steampowers like Magic items, but obviously not magical, just technologically better in ways, Something else for coglayers to futz with. So the items normally associated with Coglayers anyone will be able to use, Coglayers will just be able to use them better.

I've also been thinking of a malfunction system something to the effect of when using a steampower that is roughly when you activate the item(for other than at will powers) make a save, if it's sucessful the power works normally on a failure it malfunctions(without expending the power) somehow and needs some emergency repairs, roll on the right skill against 10+level of the item as a full round action, success means you can use the device again for powers, Failure means you didn't fix the malfunction and you can spend another round attempting to restore the device to functionality, roll of natural 1 on the emergancy repair check causes a catastrophic failure of the device, ranging from a fuel rupture to self targeting effects, depending on the device and power. On the occurance of catastrophic failure, it may be repaired or replaced in a short rest or extended rest. All of this stacks up to allowing the Coglayers powers to be a little more powerful as there is a chance of failure and time wasted.


Background and Setting (update, with some more time elapsed to advance the world and allow for some minor changes)
Races (minor adjustments for a few races, total rehauls for others)
Classes(80+ powers each, 1-3 paragon paths for each class, 5-6 Epic destinies)
Steam Powers
Magic items
Skill (to cover the loss of craft skills and knowledge of steam powers)
Salvage Rules

Games and Gaming 3: Tuesday Maintenence 2

Attack of the patch.

Patch 3.0.8 is looming on the horizon for World of Warcraft. Plenty of new and fun things in this patch but you can read all about that at they have all the data I'm too busy to research myself.

This blog isn't about the game it's about what I and maybe you do during the downtime of our favorite games.

This week:

Last nights, Top Gear.(50 minutes)
Additional blogging on my part.
Finish up Kanon(12 episodes)
Fiddling with blog settings to make this thing a bit less blocky, and get some formatting going.
And haunt a few forum trolling people for no reason other than being kinda bored with the current episode of Kanon.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Games and Gaming 2: Tuesday Maintenence 1

Ok, it's Tuesday, and for most people this means 8(or more) hours of notbeing able to play their crack simulation game.

Mine is World of Warcrack... Warcraft, sorry.

So the things come down to what to spend this time doing.

You could whine and complain and not understand timezones on the forums.
But that will only get you laughed at and people will make fun of you.

You could try, every 4 seconds that the server is off, to sign onto the game. But that's about as frustrating trying to milk your cat, but at least there will be less scaring.

The most common advice given, for something to spend the time on is taking a shower, and sleeping. Because as a MMO gamer we are all unwashed red-eyed freaks. Only some of are.

I myself, will spend this Tuesday Maintenance, catching up on DRVed shows, a few episodes of anime(7-12 of Kanon, two hours), and end by playing some video game(probably Megaman 9 or Eternal Sonata).

After all that, I'll log on and work on the holiday event achievements(only 3 left, stupid PvP)