Despite what the math says, elves do not gestate for an entire decade.

Monday, March 16, 2015


After the last post I was thinking that I should really do smaller bits, one race at a time... ect...

CRASH COURSE:  Rolls are made versus a number, and you need to roll that number or higher.

INITIATIVE is used to determine who gets priority to act in a combat round.

It's a Speed Roll!

The order of combat is based on number of successes, and total check.

Example: A standard party versus, a orc encampment.

    Speed 9
    Rolls: 3,4,12
    Total: 19
    Speed 9
    Rolls: 5,8,8
    Successes: 0
    Total: 21
    Speed 8
    Rolls: 1,3,3
    Successes: 0
    Speed: 9
     Rolls: 7,7,9
    Successes: 1
    Total: 23
    Speed: 9
    Rolls: 1,10,10
    Successes: 2
    Total: 21
Orc Chief:
    Speed: 7      
    Rolls: 5,6,6
    Successes: 0
    Total: 17

So the order is:

Orc Chief

Combat order is called out from the top of the list to the bottom, those on the top get the first options to act, and gain advantage against those lower on the combat order, but they are not forced to act.  If one or more participant in the combat declines to go when the option is available, they can act after any other participant in the combat.  Finally, starting from the bottom of the combat initiative participants are forced to act or do nothing for the turn.

Unfortunately in the example the Orc Chief and thief rolled incredibly poorly despite being the fastest.

Combat example:

The orcs move into combat.
The cleric delays.
The fighter attacks an Orc.
The mage delays, expecting the thief to soften the Orc Chief.
The Orc Chief charges the fighter.
The Thief engages an Orc in melee because he  rolled to poorly to shoot anything with his bow.
The Mage is forced to act, and bathes the Orcs, Thief, Fighter and Orc Chief in fire, narrowly avoiding the Cleric. The thief managed to dodge most of the damage, the fighter did not. 
The Cleric is forced to act, and casts a healing spell on the fighter.
End of round, Roll initiative for next round.

Roll New innitiative.

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